Observing those patterns change

Choose what helps your heart bloom.— Dhiman Saha 🤲🏼🌿🌺

By Raquel Issenberg

How is your Spring going so far?

Cleansing happens naturally for most of us throughout this season: we start shedding off layers of clothing, we open windows to let air circulate, and fresh foods might seem more appealing to our palates.

But we can also help our system within our wellness practices. Here are some ideas.

According to Ayurveda, the northern side of the hemisphere holds the qualities of Kapha dosha (dosha = type of nature) during Springtime. In this period, we experience the wettest weather as the earth gets soaked and heavy to prepare for the next bloom. Water + Earth cleansing for new beginnings.


You don’t need to stop practicing the sequence that feels right for you, but if you wish to enhance it, you can apply Ayurvedic principles to your body nature by adding poses that support seasonal balance. For example, try sequences that flush the stagnant energy out, like sun salutations with backends, and strong rooting poses, like Warrior ll, or empowering as Triangle. Look for postures that prompt an energizing, expansive, and spacious effect.


🎋 MANTRA—If you’re coming in and out of your mantra practice, including breath awareness as a preparatory step or adding 1-3 minutes of sound/scent awareness in your day, can be very helpful. Using mindfulness meditation practices to anchor the restless mind in the body (breath) or the natural environment (birds chirping!/seasonal scents), can eventually bring us back to our beloved mantra meditation with a renovated and effortless focus.

🎋 MINDFULNESS—If you have a regular Mindfulness Meditation practice that is already serving you, stick to it; you can also try (or add) mindfulness practices that work with letting go of emotions/thoughts that are creating blocks in your life.


Nourishment is certainly an individual and sensitive practice since we all have different doshas (dosha = mind & body nature). I would just share that during Spring, Ayurveda recommends favoring easy-to-digest meals (high fiber, steamed/baked/grilled), seasonal fruits and vegetables, and spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, and basil.

Happy April to you!