Women, Movement And Inner Peace

By Raquel Issenberg

Today on International Women's Day 2022, I recommit my practice to find self-nourishment through inner peace, as the foundation of life and service.

As I continue shedding off limiting beliefs, I feel deeply grateful for the women that have come before me, and the ones before them, trudging their way up so my route was clear of tall weeds.

In the wellness world, particularly in yoga and meditation, there’s a shift toward women's leadership happening within several communities. Even though the role of women in yoga has been pivotal since ancient times, we are now experiencing, particularly in the West, a new adjustment in regard to feminine guidance and support instead of the traditional male-on-a-pedestal-figure (aka guru).

Sometimes going with the flow means pushing for what you want for others and yourself. We can start by blowing strongly our thoughts and postures off the mat. We are our own gurus.