I, I love the colorful clothes she wears...

“….And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair.”

Summer vibes all around in an almost post-pandemic world. Do you think we’re almost there? Hopefully so!

For your yoga practice, I have two offers for these hot times at The Yoga Hive Pittsburgh: A strengthening and releasing Kundalini yoga class and an energizing-heart-centered Vinyasa Krama class.

I’ll offer some Vinyasa two Saturdays in the park in August, so stay tuned :)

Keep enjoying the warm days!

xx Raquel


Come to the mat

Sundays 6 PM—Kundalini Awakening Yoga

(Strengthen, release, and get ready for your week)

Tuesdays 9:30 AM—Morning Vinyasa

(Energize your Heart Center and awaken your body)

The Yoga Hive Pittsburgh
