I moved to Savannah!

By Raquel Issenberg

Short and sweet: I changed cities and I am ready for a new beginning!

During the pandemic, my husband and I shifted gears and decided to move up our timeline on a project we originally had for the later years.

I loved my time in Pittsburgh, and how grateful I am for all the experiences that soon will become the memories of five years.

So much good stuff happened while living there: I married my mensch, I built inner strength overcoming challenges, I found the best souls that gave me a hand (a thousand hands!), I changed careers, and I established a new life purpose. What else can I ask for?

I am so happy to have met people who gave their hearts, opened their homes, supported me with their friendship, joy, and opportunities. People that became my family when I needed it the most.

I also have enormous gratitude for the yoga community in Pittsburgh. The little I got to experience it gave me so much knowledge, self-acceptance, and just pure love.

Today I am ready to start a new chapter of my life, along with my husband and my cat, in beautiful Savannah.

While I’m getting all settled, I won’t be offering yoga classes, but I will soon offer online meditation courses.

Let’s stay connected!


Check my new IG
for future meditation classes & courses:

And I will keep you in the loop when I start offering asana in this town!

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Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.